

Extreme plane stunts simulator 3D is very advanced flight simulator game. At Mega Gamers Production we have been implementing realistic control of stunt airplanes to give you realistic experience of air stunt pilots. Air stunt plane in this game gives superb airplane flight passing through challenging objectives in plenty of levels. Players can choose from a large variety of stunt planes parked at airport garage. EXTREME PLANE STUNTS SIMULATOR is a plane flying simulator loaded with detailed graphics, stunning levels, and unique objectives that are never present in any air race games or flying simulators. Features - Realistic cockpit - Airplane pilot experience - Stunning graphics - Unique rewards to unlock more stunt planes - Dynamic lightening and sounds - Challenging flying objectives Become an airliner pilot and experience thrills in exciting, new game, Extreme pane stunts simulator 2015. Whether its a Betty Skelton's Little Stinker, Red Baron's Fokker Dr.I, or Spirit of St. Louis, you like. This plane stunts bring you the joy of high rides in stunt plane simulator 2015. Don't crash your plane. More levels will be added soon. Please leave us feedback for improvements.

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Mega Gamers Production

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Mega Gamers Production

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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