BepulIchida pulli kontenti bor
+ Ilova ichidagi xarid takliflari


Your gas pedal is stuck AGAIN! Do stunts to get nitro boost and SLAM it all down to unlock the insane speed of OVERDRIVE! Collect coins to unlock new cars as you play! Complete missions and get rewards! It’s bigger, faster, and still FREE! The game features awesome music by Jimmy "Big Giant Circles" Hinson (of "Mass Effect 2" fame) and is frequently updated with more content.

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

Now available for Windows!


  • Extremely fast and addictive gameplay
  • Unlock cars as you progres
  • 90 all-new cars with more to come
  • Complete missions to get rewards and master every car
  • Flips, wheelies, close calls, slams and other new stunts
  • Race against your friends’ replays
  • Huge gratifying explosions
  • Drive in 12 exciting locations
  • Use all-new power-ups like the coin magnet
  • Addictive music that makes your blood pump
  • Free!

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Roofdog Games Inc.

Mualliflik huquqi

Copyright 2012, Roofdog Games inc.

Ishlab chiqardi:

Roofdog Games Inc.

Chiqarilgan sana


Taxminiy hajmi

43,22 Mb

Yosh reytingi

3 yosh va undan kattalar uchun

Bu ilova bajara oladi

Internet ulanishiga kirish
Internet ulanishiga kiring va server vazifasini bajaring.


Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

Bu mahsulot haqida xabar berish

Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
Xabar berish this product for illegal content

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