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Welcome to the merge island full of the most amazing pieces that you will ever merge! It looks nothing like your ordinary fairytales but is a unique collection of merge fables spiced up with true merge magic. This endless world of wonder merge is full of possibilities. The sky is your limit! Always dreamed about having a dragon? You can merge dragons, unicorns, leprechauns, or other fantastic beasts! It's your merge world and your rules. Make your dragon merge now and have fun with your dragon farm! Love playing collecting games or merging games? Use your mergefield to create your merge county, merge kingdom or even a merge universe and fill it with an infinite number of gorgeous buildings and creatures. What merger is it going to be next? Key Features: - Familiar characters in new and exciting circumstances. - Intriguing plot with an amazing main story and thrilling side quests. - Countless new lands to reveal and discoveries to make. - Fantastic merge puzzle quests to complete and rewards to collect. Wonder what it's like to have such a mergical experience? Stop questioning yourself and jump right into this fantastic merge game full of merge tales. If you love merge games and discoveries, then Once upon a merge is a perfect fit for you!

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Clever Apps Pte Ltd

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Clever Apps Pte. Ltd.

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