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Welcome to Fantasia, the Land of Merge Wonders, and Fantastic Pets! Fantasia used to be a flourishing world but was poisoned by witches. You are the chosen one to heal the cursed land and build a new Wonderland! Dive into challenging merging magic world: match & merge items to heal magic islands, collect rewards, and use them to build the Fantasy Land. Merge eggs to hatch monster legends, evolve your cute monsters to more powerful ones by matching and merging them as well. The powerful fantastic pet is, the more possibilities you have. Main features of Fantastic Pets : Merge & Evolve - the Game of Wonders ✨ : + vast variety of fantastic objects to match and merge: eggs, plants, trees, mushrooms, homes, magical flowers, stars, treasures, etc + freedom to build and design your Fantasia City + possibility to sell magic items and buy magic eggs, dragons gems, chest, and other useful objects + amazing fantastic pets + lots and lots of challenging levels filled with wonders and magic How to play ⭐ Drag objects around and match-3 to evolve them into more superior items ⭐ Complete levels on the magic floating island, heal them by merging 3 the Diana statues and collect rewards ⭐ Go to Fantasia Land, use rewards to build a new Fantasy World ⭐ Match Life Essence to heal poisoned land ⭐ Match and merge eggs ⭐ Evolve your fantastic pets by matching and merging them ⭐ Heal the cursed land 🐣Please Pay Attention: The cloud save function is under development and will be online shortly. Before that, please don't delete or reinstall your Fantastic Pets : Merge & Evolve Game, otherwise, you will lose your game progress. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • Vast variety of fantastic objects to match and merge: eggs, plants, trees, mushrooms, homes, magical flowers, stars, treasures, etc
  • Freedom to build and design your Fantasia City
  • Possibility to sell magic items and buy magic eggs, dragons gems, chest, and other useful objects
  • Amazing fantastic pets
  • Lots and lots of challenging levels filled with wonders and magic
  • Hatch monster legends, evolve your cute monsters to more powerful ones by matching and merging them

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Tilting Point

Ishlab chiqardi:

Merge Fun

Chiqarilgan sana


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English (United States)

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