Farmer Survivors (Windows)
Asl narxi USD$4.99 edi, hozirgi narxi USD$3.49
30% chegirma • 47 daqiqa qoldi

Oʻrnatishni administrator tasdiqlashi zarur. Operatsion tizim uchun minimal talablar: Windows 10 May 2019 Yangilanishi.Tizim talablarini ko‘ring



In Farmer Survivors, the excitement of arcade blends with the unpredictability of roguelike games. Each playthrough is unique, with elements of randomness for items and abilities. With each Wave, you will face increasingly stronger and larger quantities of enemies, testing your survival skills to the limit. A standout feature of the game is the auto-aim, which automatically focuses on the nearest enemy. This allows you to concentrate on strategy and movement, as character control is limited to movement and dashing. In Farmer Survivors, at the end of each Wave, you will have the opportunity to choose an item from various options. These items can be essential for your survival, offering bonuses and unique abilities. Every three Waves, you will also have the chance to choose a passive ability, adding more depth to your gameplay style. Get ready to face challenging enemies, some of whom can launch projectiles in your direction. Master the game mechanics, explore the farm, and find the boundaries of the map to stay safe. Venture into this thrilling world of Farmer Survivors! Discover the thrill of survival, the unpredictability of roguelikes, and the challenge of facing increasingly powerful enemies. Are you ready to become the hero of the farm? Play Farmer Survivors now and prove your worth as a true survivor!

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Afil Games

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© 2024. Developed by Afil Games. Published by Afil Games. All Rights Reserved.

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Afil Games

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Windows 10 kompyuterida oʻrnating hamda Microsoft hisobingizga ulanganingizda kirish imkoniga ega boʻling. Oʻrnatishni administrator tasdiqlashi zarur

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