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The glorious Egyptian empire is left exhausted after a longstanding war. The greedy invaders fled, leaving chaos and ruins of a once magnificent kingdom. Become the loyal Pharaoh’s adviser and help him to restore peace and prosperity in the golden cities of Egypt. Construct houses re-establish production, collect taxes and gather materials, set up production and trade, and fight crocodiles and wicked cobras. Can you return Egypt to its days of glory? - HELP the people of ancient Egypt to restore their kingdom in this exciting time management adventure game! - EXPLORE the magnificent era of our history - 44 EXCITING levels to master and hundreds of quests - FIGHT dangerous cobras, scorpions, crocodiles and more! - EARN achievements along the way - MEET friends from outer space - 2 difficulty modes: relaxed and adventure - Step-by-step tutorials for beginners TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE GAME! (unlock this game only once and play as much as you want! There are no additional micro-purchases)

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Cateia Games

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147,99 Mb

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