

You’re in the last shivering minutes. The game is tied, but you just got an amazing opportunity to score. Do you have what it takes to do it? Challenge your brain with Find a Way Soccer, a puzzle game for all soccer fans out there. You need to think several steps ahead, anticipate your opponents’ next moves and know where your teammates are heading to be able to secure the victory of each game. The gold star is only a few moves away, but are you smart enough to find your way to the goal without wasting any moves? Select which team to play Find a Way Soccer features the 2014 Brazil soccer cup teams, following the top-ranked countries. It’s up to you to decide which ones make it to the finals. Listen to great music A cup is not only soccer; it’s so much more than that. Find a Way Soccer features great music that will get you in the right cup mood! Outsmart yourself Play Find a Way Soccer and find out if you have the brains to get the gold star for every level. It gets harder and harder the closer to the finals you are! The ball is rolling… Game on!

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • Experience the strategy of soccer. You need to both know your moves and be smart about them!
  • Select which team to play. Find a Way Soccer features the 2014 Brazil soccer cup teams, following the top-ranked countries.
  • Listen to great music. A cup is not only soccer; it’s so much more than that. Find a Way Soccer features great music that will get you in the right cup mood!
  • Outsmart yourself. The game gets harder and harder the closer to the finals you are!

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Hello There

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