

FlipPix Jigsaw – Notes brings together some favorite players in our musical landscape: the piano, violins, bells, the sax, trumpets, and even the bongos! Do you have a favorite? Take a look to see if its here! FlipPix Jigsaw - Notes has 9 scenes with a total of 220 puzzles ranging in size from 5x5 to 20x20. An old Japanese logic puzzle takes on a new look with FlipPix Jigsaw! Touch tiles to paint them or break them to form colorful images. The goal is to use logic to determine which tiles should be filled to reveal a hidden picture. FlipPix Jigsaw provides a new twist to FlipPix Art puzzles. Each of the individual puzzles forms a piece of a larger picture. After the puzzles are solved, the pieces of the picture must then be rearranged to form the final image. FlipPix Jigsaw is designed specifically for Tablets and incorporates a type of logic puzzle often referred to as a nonogram or griddler. A short tutorial on the basics of the game is included.

Ekran rasmlari


  • Japanese logic puzzle game
  • 220 puzzles
  • Game tutorial

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