

FreeCell Solitaire Classic Free is the #1 FreeCell Solitaire game on your windows pc now available for free! If you love free Solitaire classic free card games, you'll love this FreeCell Solitaire! A truly enjoyable, satisfying and fun solitary card game experience. FreeCell Solitaire is one of the most popular FreeCell Solitaire card games and, it's a completely free card game to play. We kept FreeCell rule to the spirit of the classic game: the goal is to build up the four foundations in ascending suit sequence from Ace to King with cards of identical suit. We've crafted a carefully designed app with sharp and clean visuals. If you love FreeCell solitaire, Klondike solitaire, Spider solitaire, Spiderette, Mahjong, Pyramid solitaire, Tripeaks, or any other Patience card games, don't miss out on the best FreeCell Solitaire! Just give the game a try, and we promise FreeCell Solitaire free is the most beautiful and user friendly FreeCell solitare you've ever played. Highlights: ♦ Classic Free Cell card game ♦ Gorgeous high resolution graphics ♦ Animated tutorial to learn Free Cell quickly ♦ Smart hints ♦ Unlimited undo ♦ Auto play ♦ Game Statistics ♦ Interruption friendly with auto-save and resume If you enjoy our FreeCell App, check out our other free solitaire games: Klondike solitaire, Spider solitaire

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  • Classic Free Cell card game
  • Smart hints
  • Unlimited undo

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