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FreeCell Solitaire Mobile is a modern Solitaire card game with 4 games modes, exciting new features and countless personalization options. Customize your game as you wish: backgrounds, card fronts and card backs. It also has multiple settings you can turn off and on, like vibrations, animations, interface or out of moves prompts. We give you the most helpful hints aided with an visual AI-based help system. If you are new to FreeCell Solitaire games, our help system will help you get started by showing you the best moves you can play. If you want to learn to play FreeCell Solitaire, this is the game for you. However if you're not new to FreeCell Solitaire, then our daily challenges will put your skills to the test. You may also wanna check the Levels. You will need both skill and grit to complete all 100.000 levels. GAME MODES - Winnable Deals from a selection of 250,000 deals - Random Deals - 100,000 levels in Level Mode - Daily Challenges FEATURES - Tap or drag & drop cards - Personalization options: card fronts, card backs and backgrounds - Animation controls: Turn on and off animations you like or dislike. - Unlimited Hints - Unlimited Undos - Visual In-Game Help - Enhanced Statistics and 30+ achievements to unlock - Left Hand and Right Hand option - Fully adaptive design HOW TO PLAY - The goal of the game is to build up 4 stacks of cards, one per suit, in each of the 4 foundations at the top right of the screen. Each stack must start with an Ace, followed by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen and end with a King. - At the beginning of the game, all the cards are dealt into 8 columns. At the top of the screen you will find 4 free cells and 4 foundations. Use the free cells to temporarily store one card at a time during the game. - You can move a card from one column to another if the top card from the other column is +1 higher and is of a different color. For example, you can put a 3 of hearts over a 4 of spades. Or you can put a 10 of clubs over a Jack of diamonds. - You can move an entire series of cards if you have enough free positions. The number of cards that can be moved is (2^M)x(N + 1), where M is the number of empty columns and N is the number of empty cells. For example, if you have 2 empty free cells and one empty column you can move as many as 6 cards at a time. - If you cannot move a stack because it is too large you can try splitting it into two parts. Then you can reassemble it in a new column. Support and Feedback If you have any technical problems, please email us directly at Please, don’t leave support problems in our comments – we don’t check those regularly and it will take longer to fix any issues that you might encounter. Thank you for your understanding!

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  • 4 Game Modes: Winnable Deals, Random Deals, 100.000 Levels & Daily Challenges
  • Tap or drag & drop cards
  • Personalization options: card fronts, card backs and backgrounds
  • Animation controls: Turn on and off animations you like or dislike.
  • Auto Collect remaining cards for solved games
  • Unlimited Hints & Unlimited Undos
  • Nice sound effects and music
  • Visual In-Game Help
  • Left Hand and Right Hand option

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G Soft Team

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© 2015-2022 G Soft Team. All rights reserved.

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