

Gabriel is a child like any other, he plays, studies, plays video games and loves his Big Boss Cereal. Raised by his beloved mother, the two live in a small, quiet and peaceful town. But everything changes with a report, children are disappearing around the world and strange creatures are taking over cities. What is going on?, Abduction?, Evil Sects?. Embark on this adventure and discover what will be happening to all the children. An adventure of pure precision, story, Puzzles, Collectibles and pure cuteness. Will our hero be able to finish this journey?

Ekran rasmlari

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

5 new ACHIEVEMENTS have been added to the game, totaling 2000G. Fixed several bugs and issues reported by the community. We solved the CHOCOMÓVEL problem, and added a modification to the game's first Puzzle.


  • Stages (stages) with a small degree of difficulty.
  • Reasonable bosses.
  • Collectible Big Boss Cereal Boxes (Common, Rare, Platinum).
  • Cereal bowls replacing common coins.
  • Okay, there's also currency, there's a phase that there is and others don'.
  • Very easy puzzles.
  • A nice story, with a nice ending.
  • A precision platform game.
  • Double Jump and Run.
  • Beautiful songs huh.

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

My Night Sun Games

Mualliflik huquqi

Rafael Valim Fernandes e My Night Sun Games

Ishlab chiqardi:

Rafael Valim Fernandes

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Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
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