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The gold standard for open-world action-adventure series is back, in the fascinating city of New Orleans. With hundreds of vehicles, an outrageous arsenal, and complete freedom to roam this vast city, you have all the tools to become a criminal legend. Biker gangs, crooked cops and even Voodoo priests prowl these streets and hide in the bayou. And you? You’re the least common criminal of all! Become a man on a mission to claim the Big Easy as your own criminal capital… by any means necessary. - Discover an open world bustling with life... and crime! • Take on dozens of story missions through varied districts, each with its own unique flavor, from the French Quarter to the slums and even the mysterious bayou. • Enjoy the AAA graphics and soundtrack to experience the city's fascinating atmosphere. - Defend your Turf and raid others • Exclusive to Gangstar New Orleans, Turf Wars introduce new competition and excitement to your favorite series. ��� Claim your Turf and defend it from your rivals -- the resources you'll gain will come in handy when it's time to craft new items. - Make your own path! • Create a character in your image using lots of customization options! • Equip, fuse and evolve hundreds of weapons, vehicles, gangsters and more to tailor your gangster skills to fit your personal style. From sniper to explosives expert, there are plenty of approaches -- which one will you pick? _____________________________________________ Visit our official site at Check out the new blog at Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: This app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app and may contain third-party advertisements that may redirect you to a third-party site. Privacy Policy: Terms of Use: End-User License Agreement:

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Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

Mansions! The feature most requested by our community is finally here!! Live the Mansion dream and enhance your GNO experience with this new update! Build your own luxurious island, and expand it into the ultimate housing complex with a garage to show-off your collection of vehicles, an armory for storage & display, docks for your special guests, and a helipad and runway for a quick getaway! Live the real thug’s life while shaping New Orleans’ real state. If explosive action is what you are looking for, get ready to cause mayhem in the streets of NOLA with our new APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) vehicle – a badass tank with a heavy machine gun turret - the first shooting vehicle in Gangstar New Orleans. SPECIAL EVENTS ARE BACK! Get a high demand item, evolve it and upgrade it! Just do not forget to complete the event’s missions to keep it. INCENTIVIZED VIDEOS! Win free rewards by watching our newest short videos.


  • • Play dozens of missions in rich and varied districts, from the French Quarter to the bayou
  • • Enjoy the AAA graphics and soundtrack to experience the city's fascinating atmosphere
  • • Exclusive to Gangstar New Orleans, Turf Wars introduce new multiplayer competition
  • • Claim your Turf and defend it from other players to collect resources and craft new items
  • • Create a character in your image using lots of customisation options!
  • • Equip, fuse and evolve hundreds of weapons, vehicles, thugs and more to fit your gangster style

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Internet ulanishiga kirish
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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

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