

Take over a gas station. Dexterity and speed will be your magic words! Your Uncle Tony needs you now more than ever! He just spent all his savings on his lifetime dream: running his own gas station! Serve the most hurried customers as quickly as you can. As the saying goes, time is money! "Gas Station : Rush Hour!" is a fast-paced Time Management game in which you will have to demonstrate speed and intelligence to serve your customers in record time. The faster you are, the more satisfied your customers will be, and the bigger your tips will be. Be careful not to fall behind! Tardiness means lower earnings. Have fun building up combos by serving the same colored cars and increase your earnings faster in doing so. Spend the fortunes amassed during your adventure on improving your station and making it more attractive, allowing you to serve more customers. The family business success and longevity depend on it. Act quickly and effectively, for the clock is ticking and you have a lot of customers counting on you!

Ekran rasmlari


  • Fast-paced games with no down-time
  • Relive America 50's
  • Enjoy two game modes: "Story" and "Rush"
  • Colorful and detailed graphics
  • Dynamic weather based on the succession of the four seasons

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi


Mualliflik huquqi

©2004-2019 Anuman Interactive SA. All rights reserved.

Ishlab chiqardi:

Little Worlds Studio

Chiqarilgan sana


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English (United States)

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