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Create 3-in-a-row gem combos by matching nearby diamonds. Use bonuses and solve more and more advanced logical puzzles. Help Gemmy to switch crystals and explore this fun and amazing world. Download FREE right now and enjoy the best game in the genre! Build your own Gem Planet! - Over 18 000 000 people are already playing! - 1460 LEVELS of gemtastic fun! - Stunning graphics and special effects! - Incredible power-ups and bonuses! - Epic combos to unleash colorfull explosions! - Special rewards and events all the time! - Build your very own Gem Planet! - Challenge your friends and reach the top of Leaderboards! Follow us on VK for the latest news: And watch for Gemmy in Instagram:

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Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

Dear Santa, I'm writing to you from a snow-covered Planet. It snowed so much that I had to get a warm sweater and hat, as well as a shovel to clear it away with. I used the snow to make a whole snowman army. I put hats on them, but then the wind blew them away! Please find the hats for me. I also need to trim the Christmas tree... there's so much to do! How am I supposed to get it all done? I wanted to ask you to send me a few more helpers. We'll get everything done together, and then we'll have a merry Christmas. Best wishes, Gemmy While the letter is on its way, let's see what's waiting for you: - New graphics! - A special new adventure! You can trim a Christmas tree and get awesome prizes! - A new obstacle: a snowman! Lead the snowman to his hat to beat the level! - And an unbelievable number of new levels!

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