

The famous traveling circus is coming to Seattle this Halloween! Real monsters will act on the stage — and your sister Annabelle craves to see them! When the show gets started, Annabelle goes to the stage as a volunteer to perform a disappearing act. But suddenly the circus tent starts burning —you lose sight of Annabelle in the crowd and get stuck in the tent. As you get out of there, you try to find your sister... but the circus owner doesn’t want to let you go! Save Annabelle by defeating monsters and finding hidden artifacts in the world of nightmares! Save your hometown from a man who came back from a parallel world in the Bonus Chapter! Find all the circus coupons to buy props for your own show! Solve intriguing puzzles and mini-games to earn extra achievements! Look for the hidden awards throughout the game to learn more about the circus life!

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Do Games Limited

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© 2022 Do Games Limited, Ltd

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Do Games Limited

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