

Set Up Your Child for Reading Success, for Less! GraphoGame Helps Kindergarten and Elementary School-Age Kids Learn to Read and Spell Letters, Syllables and Words with American English Phonics. • NO ADS OR IN-APP PURCHASES • Rated for Kids 4 to 9 Years Old • Play Without Internet • Levels Adapt to Player Ability • In-App Progress Reports and Literacy Analytics • Earn Rewards and Use Them to Customize Your Avatar! • Two Game Modes: Stars (school use) and Map (at home use) • New 3D Map Immerses Kids in an Engaging Learning Adventure • GDPR, CCPA and COPPA-compliant; plus, We Do Not Collect Personal Data • Proven Efficacy in Children with Dyslexia and Autism • Full Content Forever. Never Pay More for New Content or Features! GraphoGame was created by pedagogical experts, linguists and neuroscientists from Yale and Cambridge Universities to achieve basic literacy in children - from kindergarten onwards. Research trials show that by playing just 15 minutes, 3 times per week, kids can improve their letter knowledge, phonics awareness, reading speed and overall confidence in literacy. Literacy outcomes are equivalent with 1-to-1 teacher support as shown in a randomized controlled trial conducted by the Centre for Neuroscience in Education, University of Cambridge. Witness kids learning their first letters, syllables and words at home or in school with GraphoGame! Kids learn to read with American English phonics and a variety of engaging 3D levels – all with their own unique avatar. Players gradually move from graphemes and phonemes, through vowels, consonants, syllables and rhymes, to eventually learn how to blend what they have mastered into complete words. Play at home or in school! This version of GraphoGame is the result of work done by Haskins Laboratories, an independent, not-for-profit research institute founded in 1935, investigating the biological basis of speech, language and reading, and their related disabilities. GraphoGame is based on decades of research in dyslexia, autism, neurolinguistics and phonics by the University of Jyväskylä in Finland and was adapted to English by the University of Cambridge Centre for Neuroscience in Education and Yale’s Haskins Laboratories. Kindergarten to grade 3 students - including those with dyslexia or autism - have shown the most literacy improvement playing GraphoGame American English. Visit to learn more. Game icon © Grapho Group Oy, Ville Mönkkönen & Mika Halttunen

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  • Rated for Kids 4 to 9 Years Old
  • Play Without Internet
  • Levels Adapt to Player Ability
  • In-App Progress Reports and Literacy Analytics
  • Earn Rewards and Use Them to Customize Your Avatar!
  • Two Game Modes: Stars (school use) and Map (at home use)
  • New 3D Map Immerses Kids in an Engaging Learning Adventure
  • GDPR, CCPA and COPPA-compliant; plus, We Do Not Collect Personal Data
  • Proven Efficacy in Children with Dyslexia
  • Full Content Forever. Never Pay More for New Content or Features!

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Grapho Group Oy

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2021 Grapho Group Oy

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English (United States)

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