This app requires the latest version of Microsoft Edge.


Professor Rat loves physics puzzles and games with robots! Therefore, he created Robby, but gave him a weak battery, which is why the little robot has to constantly recharge and participate in crazy physics based experiments. Take the robot through all of Professor Rat's interesting and dangerous physics puzzles to free him from the charger! Features: ▶ 200 levels of game for your brain ▶ Over 10.000 Community Levels ▶ 3 game modes - for a time, for a survival, bathe the ducky ▶ Level editor - a sandbox where you can create your own game ▶ Search and collect QR level cards with physics ▶ Adorable character and skins for Robby ▶ Short adventure cartoons with robots ▶ Innovative game mechanics ▶ High quality graphics

Ekran rasmlari

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

Fixed publication of levels to Community Levels base


  • 200 levels of game for your brain
  • Over 10.000 Community Levels
  • 3 game modes - for a time, for a survival, bathe the ducky
  • Level editor - a sandbox where you can create your own game
  • Search and collect QR level cards with physics
  • Adorable character and skins for Robby
  • Short adventure cartoons with robots
  • Innovative game mechanics
  • High quality graphics

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi


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2,53 Mb

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3 yosh va undan kattalar uchun


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Internet ulanishiga kirish


Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi

English (United States)

Bu mahsulot haqida xabar berish

Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
Xabar berish this product for illegal content

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