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Find hidden objects in TIME CRIMES, the all new time-traveling hidden object adventure game! AN UNKNOWN CRIMINAL has been altering the past from the shadows. However, you have come across an ancient time machine and uncovered his plot. Now its up to you and your crime-solving team of detectives to preserve history and solve this case! Prevent the theft of rare historical artifacts and stop the criminal in his tracks! TRAVEL THROUGH TIME and explore the same crime scenes centuries apart. Watch history unfold before your eyes! Explore the secrets of an ancient library and witness the building of a mysterious Egyptian tomb. See the city transform across several eras. JOIN AN ADVENTUROUS CREW as you travel throughout history and solve crimes. Use their unique skills to progress through an exciting, mystery-filled story. Find clues and hidden objects throughout your adventure in beautiful hand-drawn scenes. Crack the case and don't let the criminals escape! TIME CRIMES is an addictive mystery adventure game that will keep you coming back for more. If you like seek and find games, searching for clues, and solving puzzles then Time Crimes is for you! Join the millions who have played Rolltower Studios' Games! ***FEATURES*** - SOLVE MYSTERIES in this free hidden object game. - BEAUTIFUL HAND-DRAWN characters and scenes that change every time you play! - AN ENGAGING STORYLINE awaits! Solve a mystery that elapses thousands of years and don't let the criminals escape! - NEW EPISODES of content released regularly! - FIND THE DIFFERENCES, Mirror Mode, Night Mode, and more adventure-filled game modes await! - COLLECT RARE TREASURES in your time lab! Your laboratory grows as you meet new companions and travel to new lands. - Make friends and send gifts! - COMPETE WITH YOUR FRIENDS for high scores ! - NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED to play! Escape the internet and enjoy the game at any time! ***Play the most exciting FREE hidden objects game on Windows!*** Note to Time Crimes Case players on Facebook: this game does not connect to your web game, it is a new mobile game.

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New scenes, characters, and items added!


  • Find hidden objects in colorful scenes that change every time you play!
  • An engaging storyline with several characters traveling through time!
  • Gorgeous high resolution graphics!
  • Hundreds of items to find and collect!
  • New updates bring new scenes and colorful characters!
  • Get high scores and compete with your friends!
  • No Internet connection required to play! Enjoy the game at any time!

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Rolltower Studios

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Rolltower Studios, Inc.

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Rolltower Studios

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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English (United States)

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Kirish ushbu o‘yin haqida Microsoft’ga xabar berish uchun
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