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+ Ilova ichidagi xarid takliflari


One of the most addictive and entertaining physics based driving game ever made! And it's free! Meet Newton Bill, the young aspiring uphill racer. He is about to embark on a journey that takes him to where no ride has ever been before. With little respect to the laws of physics, Newton Bill will not rest until he has conquered the highest hills up on the moon! Face the challenges of unique hill climbing environments with many different cars. Gain bonuses from daring tricks and collect coins to upgrade your car and reach even higher distances. Watch out though - Bill's stout neck is not what it used to be when he was a kid! And his good ol' gasoline crematorium will easily run out of fuel. Like us at Facebook and stay tuned with all new games and updates: We'd appreciate if you'd report any issues you're having with the game to, please include your device make and model.

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Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

1.33: The Garage - Build the vehicle of your dreams. The Garage gives you dozens of new vehicle combinations. - Collect and upgrade chassis, engines and tires for your vehicle - Create unique vehicles by mixing chassis, engines and tires - Balance your car by tuning chassis, engines and tires - Store your custom vehicles in the garage Boosters! - Use boosters to drive some extra meters! New vehicles: - Trophy Truck - Finger Screw New stage: - Arena


  • Lots of different vehicles with unique upgrades (many different vehicles: bike, truck, jeep, tank, etc.)
  • Upgradeable parts include engine, suspension, tires and 4WD
  • Numerous stages with levels to reach in each (Countryside, Desert, Arctic and the Moon! +++)
  • Share your score with a screenshot with your friends!
  • Cool graphics and smooth physics simulation
  • Designed to look good on low resolution and high resolution devices (incl. tablets)
  • Real turbo sound when you upgrade your engine!

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi


Mualliflik huquqi

© 2012-2014 Fingersoft

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113,64 Mb

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Internet ulanishiga kirish


Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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