Foydalanish mumkin:
Best game to kill zombies. Stop the invasion of undead and monsters HISTORY: I could not believe it ... I do not know how it could happen ..... I only remember the trembling of my legs when I saw that mass of people coming to our military base, people who were getting closer I saw them panting and staggering with their mouths full of blood. Zombies? Living dead? How could it be? What are these things? A thousand questions came to my mind in a matter of seconds. I reacted immediately by the alarm that began to sound loud ... I had only heard when we were doing simulations. And even if we were all trained to the maximum for any situation ... would we be prepared for something like that? DESCRIPTION: Find with your army the weak points to defeat the monsters, but be careful !! Because they are surrounded by zombies! Can you defeat zombies and monsters with your team? Or will you be killed as beginners? TEST YOURSELF!! -Good atmosphere and good gameplay. "You will face undead mass deaths of incalculable number. -50 levels CHARACTERISTICS: -It is recommended to use a optical pencil -It contains self-engraving -Does not have integrated purchases -Does not contain ads - Armory to unlock several weapons -Different key points to kill monsters -Gallery where the images of zombies and monsters that you are defeating are unlocked.
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12/07/2018Taxminiy hajmi
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