

WARNING: This game features graphic depictions of violence that some may find disturbing. It is not for the faint of heart. Elephant Games takes you on a journey into a tangled web of mystery! When a series of grisly murders occur in widower Emily Smith's city, she finds that she and her new podcast may present the best chance to investigate and bring the culprit to justice! Join Emily on her journey into a seedy world of mystery and deceit as she struggles against the odds to find clues, track leads, and uncover the secrets behind these terrible crimes. You'll need all your cunning and skill to follow the endless twists and turns in this dark tale of terrifying passions and mysterious motives. This is no ordinary story, however. This Hidden-Object adventure requires real detective work to conquer, so gather all your courage for the case of a lifetime! This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you won’t find in the standard version. • Exclusive content, including wallpapers, screensavers, music tracks, and more! • Never get lost with the helpful strategy guide! • Help clear an innocent woman’s name in the bonus chapter! • Find puzzle pieces, morphing objects and collectibles in every scene!

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Big Fish Games

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Elephant Games

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English (United States)

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