

As an army commando, which is isolated by his army near enemy border. Enemy soldiers have assigned a mission to kill you and are wandering there to find you. As well trained Commando, you have skills to traverse enemy group to reach the safe place from where you will be picked up by the helicopter. Ambush and kill the enemies before they kill you. You are expected to succeed at all costs. Wish you good luck and stay safe. Resist deadly assault of gangsters rebels and terrorist troops with sniper swat force equipped with sniper gun and M-16 gun on top of mountain. Enemies have attack on you. They are stand in groups at different places in camp. War against enemy soldiers has begun. Enemies attack on you in form of wave. You are a brave Commando of Army; you will protect your camp. Enemies have entered in your Camp. You have M-16 gun with lot of bullets. You will carry out your mission until you kill all enemies and your Camp is safe from opponent army soldiers. By playing this game you can improve your skills of Defense The new world wide shooting army mission center is searching for the best trained soldiers to stand up against the most extremely enemies of the century. Extreme shooting adventure is the kind of game where a top sniper can shoot and fight by himself with a whole army of terrorists and enemies! Stay focus and survey around death in a 3D unique experience and become a master in sniper missions and death shootings.

Ekran rasmlari

Bu kontentga kira olmaysiz

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  • Attractive Different Environments
  • M-16 Gun
  • Assault Fire
  • Different kind of Missiles and Bullets to destroy the Enemies Areas

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