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Have you ever dreamed about ruling your kingdom? Leading your people to glory or fighting with bandits and dragons on battlefields? All of this can really come true in this fabulous strategy game. Choose between two game styles - enlightenment and old fashioned - and decide if you prefer to expand your kingdom using your army - or just upgrade your capital city and rule wisely through the alliances and trade pacts. These and many more features are waiting for you! Kingdom's Fate + is a version of Kingdom's Fate with an automatically unlocked premium content. Premium version contains: + spells panel in the mage tower or druid tree(depends on your kingdom's type) + new army units: battle mages or druids unlocked by building the arcane monastery or the shrine of the ancients(depends on your kingdom's type) + teleportation stones to help you manage your armies + fight against crime by building prisons and militia headquarters + build your reputation as the true leader - resolving one case daily in your royal court + new faction - "New Dawn" may rise when you own at least 5 areas + increase your food income with butchery + reduce damage dealt to your buildings by rising your fire hall, + build your irrigation system to protect your fields and increase food income + fill your treasury with gold from your gold mine Contact e-mail: kingdomsfate@outlook.com

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

New Update : Fixed several minor issues in the "army" panel.

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