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Klondike Solitaire Collection, includes Klondike Solitaire, Spider Klondike, FreeCell Solitaire, Pyramid Solitaire, is the most popular solitaire classic card games. Solitaire Collection Classic includes: ♠ Klondike Solitaire Pro Solitaire is the #1 popular and classic card games. Drag and drop poker cards to move all cards to the foundations from Ace to King. ♠ Spider Solitaire Pro The purpose of spider solitaire is to remove all cards from the table, assembling them in the tableau before removing them. ♠ FreeCell Solitaire Pro Like Klondike, The goal of FreeCell is to move all cards to the four Foundation piles and build each suit up from Ace to King. After dealing cards, use the four open cell spots to store cards as you are trying to win. ♠ Pyramid Solitaire Pro The goal of Pyramid Solitaire Pro is to clear any two cards with a sum of 13. When all cards on the deck are eliminated, the game wins. Play Pyramid games that require skill, strategy and patience to win! A true brain training experience! If you like Solitaire, Klondike or Patience, Spider, FreeCell, Pyramid, TriPeaks, Hearts, AcesUp, Spades on your pc computer, please don't miss this fun and classic solitaire collection. Play solitaire collection card game today!!

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Dear Friends, the new version is coming! If you like our game, please give us a review! Thanks for playing!


  • Classic Solitaire Rules
  • Classic Spider Solitaire Rules
  • Classic FreeCell Rules
  • Classic Pyramid Rules
  • Smart Hint

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Klondike Solitaire Game

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Klondike Solitaire Game

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