

Kong monkey are very hungry. So he was watching a banana monkey in the woods. But there are many things to stop him in the forest like stone statues, ferocious monkeys, short swimmers and so on. Forests Rainforests are very dangerous.Journey game will help you after hours of stressful work. The Journey game is the favorite game of many office people and everyone 🐵 Game Features: Journey The Banana Monkey travel game is the best endless race and it's free 🍌Amazing design and cute monkey running with super adventure 🍌Control simply click on the monkey to jump through the travel game 🍌Breaking the wooden box, and collect many objects 🍌Double jump can blow the monkey higher 🍌 surpassing personal best by cheating a monkey to jump from a banana hurdle, 🐵 How to play banana king - free monkey games 🍌Press the screen to skip the kong. 🍌Double tap the screen to jump higher 🍌Slide to help kong become super monkey kong 🍌Collect bananas, objects as much as you can. 🐵 Help the monkey jump out of the jungle adventure by eating bananas - let's play the monkey race in the jungle to get hungry. 🐵 Your mission in this super adventure travel game is to help the monkeys overcome obstacles such as short swimming, ice sculptures, shooting swing etc. Jumping Monkeys - Free Monkey Games Eat more monkey bananas and help you score 🐵 Super! Download kong run - monkey run now! And enjoy this extremely addictive game !!

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • Free Monkey Games Eat more monkey bananas and help you score
  • Journey The Banana Monkey travel game is the best endless race and it's free
  • Amazing design and cute monkey running with super adventure
  • Control simply click on the monkey to jump through the travel game
  • Breaking the wooden box, and collect many objects
  • Double jump can blow the monkey higher
  • surpassing personal best by cheating a monkey to jump from a banana hurdle,

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