Foydalanish mumkin:
Enjoy another "Legend of Rome" adventure! During an excavation of an unknown Roman temple ruin, student Laura finds a mysterious artifact in the form of an hourglass. A sudden leap in time takes her back to ancient Rome, where parts of the hourglass shatter. In the Rome of the past, she has to assist the architect Antonius and overcome a variety of challenges and adventures to help him build a paradisiacal settlement. Only then can she hope to repair the hourglass and return home. Play your way through many exciting and tricky Match 3 levels. Use the help of the gods, collect power-ups and play various bonus games such as Mahjongg, puzzles and more! Build a Roman settlement, embellish all the buildings with different upgrade levels and enable Laura to return home successfully.
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magnussoft Deutschland GmbHMualliflik huquqi
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19/03/2024Taxminiy hajmi
660,96 MbYosh reytingi
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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.Bu mahsulot ichki qattiq diskka o‘rnatilgan bo‘lishi lozim.
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Legend of Rome 2 - The Magic Hourglass veb-saytiLegend of Rome 2 - The Magic Hourglass yordami
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Legend of Rome 2 - The Magic Hourglass maxfiylik siyosatiTranzaksiya shartlari
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