Foydalanish mumkin:
The famous detective of the magical world is back in business – together with the elvish friend Ymir! This time a vampire envoy comes to you, asking for help. A terrible tragedy has struck the vampire community. The creator of the artificial blood serum has disappeared. Now vampires can't peacefully exist in the world, not revealing their true nature without the serum. You and your assistant must find the famous alchemist to help the vampires prevent the irreversible consequences. Conduct your own investigation: look for objects and solve intriguing puzzles. Find the one responsible for wreaking havoc and save the world! Gather your wits for an unforgettable detective story in this pulse-pounded new Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure! Find a mysterious person who's trying to get rid of all the vampires in the Bonus Chapter! Enjoy bonus materials that include concept art, wallpapers, music, and more! Collect items that would help you learn more about the world of vampires! Find objects, play challenging puzzles and mini-games, and earn achievements!
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Do Games LimitedMualliflik huquqi
© 2022 Do Games Limited, LtdIshlab chiqardi:
Do Games LimitedChiqarilgan sana
28/09/2022Taxminiy hajmi
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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.Maxsus imkoniyat
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Magic Сity Detective: Secret Desire veb-saytiMagic Сity Detective: Secret Desire yordami
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