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A gripping detective series filled with mystery and riddles awaits you! Shocking news: supernatural beings are living among us! Sometimes, however, they don't hide well enough. Ribeira Lima, the ocean siren, has become the public's favorite in Rio, but the audience never imagined that her role in their lives is much bigger. After all, she is the only one who knows how to soothe the ocean with her magical singing! But now the daughter of the ocean is gone, and there is no one to sing the Song of the Ocean. Meanwhile, an overwhelming tsunami is coming to Rio, ready to sweep away everything in its path. So, you're the only one who can find Ribeira and save the city! Thankfully, you have all the skills you need to do it! Challenge your investigator skills in this spectacular new Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure! Your own choices! You have the ability to choose the characters' phrases for one action or another and influence the plot of the mystery story. Don't forget that only your choice determines the course of these complex investigations and can affect the lives of the characters! A variety of achievements! Conduct your own investigation by solving intricate puzzles, solving complex riddles and playing various mini-games. You need to solve the most important mystery by searching various places, collecting things and interviewing passers-by. Unlock all the achievements to highlight your success! Bonus materials! Collect all the clues and save the residents, successfully solve the mystery to gain access to bonus locations, where you'll discover some interesting details about the characters. You might think that some mysteries are not meant to be solved, but you can do it, can't you? Collectible items! This exciting new edition of the mystery story is filled with various clues and mysterious items that you need to find in order to advance your investigation! Find the collectibles at each crime scene and find the hidden objects. You'll have to be a very careful detective to collect the entire collection!

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Do Games Limited

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© 2024 Do Games Limited, Ltd

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Do Games Limited

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English (United States)

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