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Magic Dragons! Merge & Hatch Become the mother of dragons in our fabulous game “Magic Dragons!”! Exciting adventure about saving the mythical world from snowy monsters! Evil forces want to capture the prosperous and magical world. Here, the using of magic is legal, and only you can help dragons to melt frozen land. Welcome to the secret land implicit among the clouds. Use magic and merge everything – stones, beautiful flowers, various trees, eggs, and dragons, of course! Hatch eggs, combine them and evolve to the best version! Take part in events and get exclusive dragons for your collection. The dark forces conjured the infernal murk and fog around the usually sunny and amazing dragon lands. Clear the fog and restore the land, make dragon homes shining and bright again! “Magic Dragons!” features are: - Astonishing evolutions of all kinds of dragons; - Premium creatures like a sunny gryphon, fire-breathing sphinx, and even fluffy Pegasus! - A lot of combos from magical items and amazing things; - Tremendous lands, full of awesome beauty; - Exciting challenging levels of merge mechanic; - Beautiful floating islands, magical plants and colorful dragons; - Tons of gifts and rewards! Join the magic kingdom of dragons world, collect mythical creatures and save the wonderful islands!

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • Merge magical creatures and discover legends and fables
  • Take a chance to use true magic
  • Enjoy an amazing plot of wonderful rescue
  • Collect original and exclusive dragons
  • Play with easy and interesting merge gameplay
  • Use an opportunity to merge everything
  • Check hidden locations on islands
  • Get the resources and upgrade your island
  • Explore the world and collect treasures
  • Play anytime, anywhere with no time limit

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Stonemobile Kft

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© 2023 Stonemobile Kft.

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