Foydalanish mumkin:
Mahjong Taipei - is a great time-tested game that relate to classical computer and board games. Millions of people all over the world play in Mahjong! Features: [1] The game has the ability to increase and decrease the playing field, you can play on small screen. [2] Three beautiful version of tiles [3] Tiles for children [4] The ability to change the background of the playing field [5] The three types of sizes: small, medium, large, each with 10 different shapes [6] The game provides a hint, if the player can not find the right pair [7] Illumination for opened tiles [8] Shuffle tiles, if there is no possibility to perform the step You can also find other names for this game: Mahjong Solitaire, Mahjong Shanghai, Mahjong Freecell, Kyodai, Taipei Mahjongg, Chinese Mahjong, Mahjong Titans, Mahjong Trails, Shanghai Mah-Jong.
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30/05/2016Taxminiy hajmi
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