Foydalanish mumkin:
The Ascension of a New Conqueror Departure from the Imperial Base Under the stars of an infinite galaxy, a formidable construction vessel emerges from the massive imperial space station. It is a Vibz-Class Constructor, and aboard are 1,750 colonists ready to embark on an unprecedented adventure in a universe with over six million planets and a million solar systems. The player takes control of this small construction vessel, hands on the controls. With a determined gaze, they observe the vast expanses of space through the panoramic windows of the command bridge. They are aware that every decision made from now on will shape their future in this new era. Discovery of Abandoned Ships After leaving the secure perimeter of the imperial base, the Vibz heads towards a recently explored sector, rich with promises and mysteries. Scanning the depths of space with the ship's sensors, it detects several faint signals coming from abandoned ships. Approaching these wrecks, the player discovers an old war cruiser drifting in the void, a barely intact wreck but still usable. Scans reveal that the ship is empty but reusable. Nearby, a civilian vessel, intact and apparently recently abandoned, seems to be loaded with valuable resources: rare metals, fuel, and construction materials, as well as cryogenic capsules with sleeping crew members. With a well-thought-out strategy, the player deploys repair teams and awakens the occupants of the cryogenic capsules, who are quickly integrated into this rising empire. These new members bring their skills and facilitate the recovery of resources from the abandoned ships. Building an Empire With the acquired resources, the player begins to expand their capabilities. They allocate part of these resources to the construction of new ships and establish engineering teams to improve the infrastructure of their system. The colonists, now trained as engineers, technicians, and soldiers, are assigned to the construction and management of these new infrastructures. In parallel, they set up mining facilities on nearby planets and asteroids to extract additional resources needed for the construction and enhancement of their fleet. Automated mines continuously exploit resources, thereby supporting the development of their empire. Expansion and Diplomacy With a growing fleet and a solid base, the player undertakes the construction of a sophisticated home system. The nerve center of their empire is established with an impressive headquarters, a stargate for interstellar travel, and a series of research and production stations. One day, while finalizing the details of a distant recovery expedition, an imposing war fleet enters their space. This unexpected presence presents the player with a significant challenge. The commander of this fleet is another influential player, known for their conquests and rapid expansion. Interaction becomes inevitable. The player must demonstrate diplomacy, negotiate agreements, and establish relations to avoid a potential conflict. They propose advantageous trade exchanges, offer repair services in exchange for military support and cooperation. Using their diplomatic skills, they manage to form a strategic alliance with the other player. Endless Journey The story of this player is one of epic adventure and the building of an interstellar empire from scratch. From discovering abandoned ships to constructing a fleet and setting up a home system, each step is marked by crucial decisions and interactions with other players. Their now-thriving empire is ready to face the challenges of the universe and establish dominance in this era of space conquest.
Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor
Players start with a construction vessel and 1,750 colonists. Exploration of a galaxy with over one million systems and 6.5 million planets. Possibility of finding abandoned ships, including warships and civilian vessels. Recovery of valuable resources from these wrecks. Finding cryogenic capsules with sleeping crew members. Repairing and reactivating the abandoned ships. Integrating the recovered crew members into the ship or empire's staff. Using the resources to build new ships. Training colonists in various roles (engineers, technicians, soldiers). Setting up mines on planets and asteroids. Continuous extraction of resources needed for ship construction and enhancement. Building a home system with a headquarters. Construction of bases, cities, factories, mines, and fleets. Installation of stargates for interstellar travel. Establishment of research and production facilities.
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