

You're a missing person investigator. Your niece, along with her expedition members, has disappeared in the mountains in Greenland. While looking for them, you open a portal to another world. But soon it turns out that there's not only one world, but three: Arcalium, Atlantis, which is also known as the Underwater World, and the Parallel World! The balance between them depends on the magic flower called Anima that grows in Arcalium — its pollen produces the oxygen that is vital for Atlantis. But a stranger from the outer world stole it... You are to find the intruder and return Anima! Find all the flowers growing in Arcalium to learn more about its flora! Collect the pearls to decorate the house in Atlantis! Learn what’s behind the theft of the Anima flower! Restore peace between two parallel worlds in the Bonus Chapter!

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Do Games Limited

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© 2022 DominiGames, Ltd

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