

Train your armies, build your castles and improve your war equipment! Dive into the chivalric but unforgiving period of human history and pit your stratagems and tactical skills against your rivals. You can be a knight of the English Crown, a champion of the French Court or a fierce Viking marauder as you navigate the ever-changing theater of war. Wrest lands from those unwise enough to cross your path and finance your continental conquest! Will your campaigns be the stuff of songs and legends as you march to triumph? Or will you buckle under the onslaught of your adversaries? History is written by the victors – make sure you're not just a footnote. • Fast paced turn-based strategy game with medieval units and weapons • Use your tactics and skills to win battles • Train your armies and upgrade their equipment and abilities • Upgrade your castles – victory favors the prepared • Play Campaigns or Skirmish single-player • Play Hotseat against your friends on one device • Fight on behalf of England, France or as a savage Viking • 27 medieval army units, including elite units like: Templar knight, Paladin and Beowulf • Dozens of challenging maps and varied battlefields

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