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Mini Golf Stars is back and better than ever! Download this Free to Play Golfing Extravaganza, with 4 unique types of golf courses and amazing game play. It will have your sinking putts and earning stars for hours! Adding New Holes Monthly - Never Run Out of FUN! Play Castle Courses Now to Experience the Super Exciting World of Mini Golf Stars! SEE & FEEL THE SENSATION OF A REAL GOLF GAME Smooth and Precise touch controls let you feel the greens and sink that clutch birdie putt to earn 3 STARS. Each Star you earn helps you unlock the 100+ holes and gain power ups! WHAT EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT While its simple to play, it's hard to master. Learn to master the putt putt courses with an innovative 3 star scorecard. There are no rules, no clubs, and no wimps allowed in MiniGolf Stars 2! Play on beautiful beaches, over aired desert sands, and learn to master challenging obstacles, slopes, turns, jumps, and ramps! FEATURES: • 1 of a Kind Putt Putt Golf Scoring System. • Over 150 Unique Holes that Range in Difficulty from Easy to Nearly Impossible. • Gorgeous 3D environments. Like us on Facebook CONTACT: Please Rate Fairly - If you have any improvements or words to share about the game, please drop us a line at - We really want to hear what you have to say!

Ekran rasmlari

Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor

In this update, we fixed the Space Levels Menu Bug. It will no Longer Crash! Fixed Unlocking With Stars Fixed Hole N' One Screen Issue on Castle One Fix Menus Added Link T Also, now use the Arrow Keys or the A and D keys to aim and move the camera. Please reach out to us via Facebook!


  • 1 of a Kind Mini Golf Scoring System!
  • Over 150 Unique Putt Putt Golf Holes!
  • 5 Different Hole Themes!
  • 4 Different Game Play Challenges!
  • Downloaded Over 2 Million Times On Mobile!

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Game Masons

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Game Masons, LLC

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Game Masons

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