

Sniper shooters brings hunting adventure. Modern birds and wolfs in combat. Its Hunting season. Russian Hunter Girl in arcade action. Russian assassin seeks hunting birds and wolf in Russia. Modern Russian girl shoots wild animals in Russia. Bird hunting season has started and we bring simulation for hunting. Mighty Birds and wolfs are hard to target. Russian sniper is on hunters adventure taking sniper shots. The most amazing free 3D game. Using tactical sniping strategies complete game levels. Wild combat Modern Birds: Russian Hunter is action enjoyable combat. Aim in jungles. Dense trees and forests. Become the best striker. Hunt wild animals in realistic 3D environments. 3D sniper shooting experience for fun. Take shots in counter fire in defence. Weather its bringing down birds or attacking wolves, this amazing developed games bring you the joys in booming environment with water fall and rivers. Go ahead starting the full on actions. FPS Simulation Game features Wild animal hunting season Russian hunter girl sniper shooter Protect yourself from predators Best sniper shooting experience Realistic and immersive graphics Mission Notes Level1: Take out 6 crows in first level - Beginner Leve12: Do not let the birds damage the fields - Intermediate Level3: Defend running sheep from attacking wolves - Advanced Level4: Defend school of sheep from attacking wolves - Expert Level5: Defend yourself from attacking wolves - The Most Challenging

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