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The perfect way to challenge your brain and have fun at the same time! This widget is designed to provide you with a great puzzle-solving experience, using your own photos. The app includes information on how to get the playable puzzle game widget in your Windows 11 widget panel. That is built for Surface Go, Surface Pro, Surface Laptop Go, Surface Laptop, Surface Laptop Studio, and Surface Studio. Try it out today and start solving puzzles like a pro! The app allows you to install the puzzle widget in your widget panel. And in the widget, you can select any photo from your device and turn it into a puzzle. You can choose the level of difficulty, from easy to hard, and the number of puzzle pieces. The widget will then generate the puzzle and you can start solving it right away. The photo puzzle widget comes with a range of features that make it easy to use and enjoyable. You can move the pieces around by simply clicking and dragging them. If you need help, you can use the 'Hint' button to get a glimpse of the final image. There is also a 'Preview' option that lets you see what the final puzzle will look like once it is complete. The app also includes a timer feature, so you can challenge yourself or compete with friends and family to see who can complete the puzzle the fastest.
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