

Emma's soul is free. But her ghost has delivered a dire warning: evil still lurks in Ravenhearst Manor. Big Fish Games Studios takes you deep inside the cursed estate in Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst ™, the thrilling sequel. Experience Ravenhearst`s spectral halls as never before with new immersive adventure-style gameplay and an epic original soundtrack. Feel the floorboards creak as you move from room to room solving puzzles and seeking out clues in over 150 detailed scenes. “Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst really is a spectacular achievement.” -Gamezebo “Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst is a massive game with stunning art design and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack that delivers an experience you won't be able to put down until you've seen all it has to offer.” -Jay Is Games

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  • Search spectral scenes to reveal the truth!
  • Conquer the mystery!
  • Find secrets at every turn
  • An engrossing story puts you on the edge of your seat!
  • Free the manor's shackled souls!

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Big Fish Games Inc

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Big Fish Games Inc

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