Foydalanish mumkin:
A small city lived a quiet life until a curious archaeologist crossed paths with a tough detective. Perhaps life in this small city hadn't been so dead after all? Kidnapping, murders, secret societies, new viruses, and time loops—just a few of the challenges you'll navigate in solving crimes with our characters! The old mansion is full of mysteries. Solve them while renovating the mansion and the garden! And don't forget to swing by the local clinic, the police department, and the museum. You never know where something may be hiding. Find hidden items in scenes, beat three-in-a-row levels, play mini-games, and solve mysteries together with the characters of our game! Watch romantic stories unfold and love triangles form. The citizens are ready to fight tooth and nail for their love! GAME FEATURES: ● Be amazed. The three-in-a-row levels are breath-catching! ● Search. It takes a sharp eye to find all the hidden items! ● Investigate. Tangled crimes are waiting for you! ● Decorate. Not just the mansion and the garden, but the whole city! ● Solve. You'll never get bored with the mini-games and puzzles! ● Make friends. Use our social network pages to get acquainted with the game characters and make new friends! ● Breathe. The city's mysteries make you lose your breath at times! But you're up for a challenge, aren't you? Privacy Policy: Terms of Service:
Bu versiyada qanday yangiliklar bor
Get ready for spooky fun! A mysterious case and a charismatic new partner await! But where's Detective Gomez? Find out if you two will meet again! Halloween is coming, and we've lined up some frightfully fantastic prizes! Beat levels and defeat ghosts at the Creepy Festival to get treasure chests. For some extra treats, play the game throughout the week and hunt for magical pumpkins on the map—they're packed with festive spirit and awesome prizes!
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05/01/2024Taxminiy hajmi
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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi
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