Foydalanish mumkin:
You are an explorer of myths, a destroyer of prejudice, and a guardian of order! No ghost, no monster can hide from you! There is trouble in the city of Blue Roche though: strange footprints, eyewitness accounts of monsters... You need to get to the bottom of this! Amidst the cold, snow, and ice something is lurking... Does it want to do harm? Is it hungry? Or is it surprisingly friendly? You should be careful because you never know how the next adventure will turn out. People are always afraid of something, but sometimes their fear doesn't justify the means. It’s up to you to figure out everything that happens in a small Canadian city. And be vigilant... The hills have eyes! This Collector's Edition includes: Explore Intricate Environments! Traverse through the snowy landscapes of a small Canadian town filled with secrets and hidden objects. No ghost or monster remains hidden as you uncover the truth behind eerie sightings and mysterious occurrences! Engage in Puzzle Solving! Sharpen your mind with a variety of puzzles that challenge your detective skills. Progress through the game by solving mysteries that intertwine with the locals' tales and secrets! Achievements to Earn! Boost your gaming experience by completing tasks and earning achievements that commend your progress and detective prowess in the realm of hidden object games! Whether you are navigating through treacherous paths or uncovering the secrets behind the snowy hills, every moment is filled with danger and discovery. Impactful Choices! Make decisions that influence the outcome of the story. Your choices affect how the adventure unfolds, adding layers of depth to the gameplay. Perfect for fans of mystery detective games and adventure seekers! Rich Storytelling and Characters! Meet a cast of intriguing characters each with their own story. Immerse yourself in deep, thoughtful lore that guides you through each chapter of the game!
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Do Games LimitedMualliflik huquqi
© 2024 Do Games Limited, LtdIshlab chiqardi:
Do Games LimitedChiqarilgan sana
02/07/2024Taxminiy hajmi
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Mahsulot ishlab chiqaruvchisi mahsulotdan foydalanishni hamma uchun osonlashtirganiga va u maxsus imkoniyat shartlariga mos kelishiga ishonchi komil.Til qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi
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Myth Or Reality: Snowbound Secrets veb-saytiMyth Or Reality: Snowbound Secrets yordami
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