

This is your chance to take on the role of a famous researcher with a knack for uncovering the truth behind myths and legends! When the head of a remote English village asks you to investigate a series of strange disappearances and even stranger stories from the locals, you quickly discover that there is indeed something unusual lurking in the surrounding forest. But what is it, what does it want, and most importantly, who is hiding the truth behind the mystery of the fairies? The only way to find out for yourself is to sharpen your wits and prepare for a magical mystery that will put your skills to the test in this all-new Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure game! Solve the mystery behind the fairies’ disappearances in the bonus game! Decorate the Fairy Queen’s home! Tons of bonus collectibles to find, including morphing objects! A strategy guide to help you reveal the truth! Downloadable wallpapers and soundtrack!

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Do Games Limited

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© 2021 DominiGames, Ltd

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