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Fearless journalist Laura is again brought in to investigate strange murders taking place in New York. Immerse yourself in an exciting crime story and solve the mystery of a dangerous criminal surrounded by lightning! New York Mysteries: High Voltage - an adventurous hidden object game-quest with puzzles and mini-games that tells about mysterious events that took place in the 50s, New York. New York City, sometime in the 1950s. A wave of mysterious murders has swept through the city. At each crime scene, only a pile of ash remains. Witnesses claim to have seen a ball of lightning. Could a human being be capable of such a thing? Who is behind the cryptic killings? Are they connected with a strange incident which took place during an execution at the Sing Sing penitentiary? The police are unable to answer any of these questions... and so the White Stone Order takes the reins. Fearless journalist Laura is again brought in to investigate murders nobody can explain! Immerse yourself in an exciting crime story and visit uncharted locations from 1950s New York! Game features: • Explore over 50 stunning locations • Complete over 40 different mini-games • Challenge yourself with interactive hidden object scenes • Assemble collections, gather morphing objects, and gain achievements Solve dozens of puzzles and learn more about the White Stone Order! Create the one of a kind mechanism and stop the vicious criminal! Meet the variety of characters, they won't leave you indifferent! Look at things in a new light in the Bonus chapter! Visit the numerous uncharted locations in New York of the 50s!

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FIVE-BN STUDIO Copyright © 2019

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