

In the context of the last decades, are you sure that there is no slightest threat from humanity challenges that were overcome long ago? “New York Mysteries: The Outbreak” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects with unforgettable characters and challenging quests to conquer, plenty of mini-games and puzzles! Once again you are transported to the New York of the late 1960s. Laura and her trusty workmate Will need to investigate an intricate case of a bizarre disease plaguing the city. Together, you discover that it might have something to do with a mysterious artifact preserved in the archives of a secret order. There is a shadow hanging over New York City and time is running out. The plague doctor of the modern era, will he cure the twenty-first century society? - Fantastic locations and beautiful graphics. - Lots of collectibles and morphing objects to find. - Explore more than 50 stunning scenes! - Solve more than 40 challenging puzzles!

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FIVE-BN STUDIO Copyright © 2019

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