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+ Ilova ichidagi xarid takliflari


Operate & maneuver forklift on mountains & Off-road tracks to move and lift logs and rocks to make sure tourists can travel on the paths and move freely. Ultimate forklift challenge lets you transport on off-road tracks and roads and move logs, rocks, stranded vehicles including jeeps and sports cars to clear the hill path. There are multiple off road forklift challenges for you to perform and rescue tourists from the mountain. You may also need to perform other transport duties like transportation of wood logs from and drop them at the log pit. For driving & parking of forklift on mountains and climbing hills, you need to be really careful and control your forklift on off road tracks with on screen controls, acceleration and brake pedals. Maneuver around carefully as there are deep trenches and the fork lift can fall down. You need to rescue the tourists from dangerous situations who have come to enjoy the scenic beauty and are out on off-road. The tourists are dependent upon you for rescue. If you love challenging off road forklift games you are in for a treat. Driving and operating forklift and completing off road forklift challenges will give you the adrenaline rush. Transport the logs, rocks and stranded vehicles on the hill and complete your forklift challenge missions. We hope you enjoy the game. Your comments & ratings are welcome and will help us in creating even better games for you.

Ekran rasmlari

Odamlarga yana yoqadi


  • 10 different missions of forklift driving
  • 3D graphics and mountain terrain
  • Rescue vahicles with help of forklift
  • Forklift driving simulator
  • Time based critical challenges of forklifting

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

AppStream Studios

Mualliflik huquqi

2016 AppStream Studios

Ishlab chiqardi:

AppStream Studios

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