

OFFROAD SNOW BUS DRIVING SIMULATOR It’s time to drive offroad snow bus. Winter is here, play the most exciting winter snow bus simulator. It's time to drive big buses. Don’t forget to speed down on cornering on roads. Keep away from land sliding. The off-roads are slippery. Be careful while you drive and experience Latest Mountain bus driving with beautiful landscapes and amazing gameplay. For those who are tired of bus parking games, this mountain snow bus simulator brings multiple modes. TIME TRIAL: Offroad Tourist Bus Driving. Winter snow bus levels with pick and drop passengers/guests. Enjoy the snow fall in this mode. REVERSE PARKING: Hill bus driving levels where you have to reverse park at dangers locations. Be careful, don’t fall of the mountain. This is driving test for you. Show your modern bus driving skills. CHALLENGE MODE: The pro bus simulator mode when professional driver drives coach buses in hill with wrecked/broken brakes and out of control steering. This tests your pro bus skills. RESCUE MODE: Hill Bus Drive with hard challenges to rescue the stuck mountain buses. Can you take this challenge and rescue tourist buses in surroundings? FREE ROAM: Open world free drive. Play around with controls and other features. OFFROAD SNOW BUS DRIVER 2017 Features -Tilt, Button, Steering Controls -Multiple camera view options -Rewind time feature -Indicators, Handbrake, Accelerate, Brake -Time trial, challenge, reverse parking, tow, free roam modes -Slippery tracks, land sliding, snowfall, winter Enjoy the hill side bus tour in this bus sim 2017. Take driving test and become a pro while you drive this coach bus in Snow Mountains. Take the modern bus out on the offroad tracks. Bus Simulator 2017 game very enjoyable driving bus game. When you unlock next levels, you will see amazing environments.

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