

Let’s download and enjoy the fully featured One Man Army from Window Store at your window device for free. It offers the most comprehensive war battled strategy game. One man army is a combat game which you need to kill all the enemies and commander who are trying to surmount your country. Be a brave army commando, ambush and kill the enemies before they kill you. Modern Combat just landed in the palm of your hand. As a trained recruited elite commando you have given the mission to stop and fight with Commander Rodriguez, renowned former military General of the state has been involved in anti-government activities and running a rebellion known as the Godzilla Warriors. Commander is responsible for many war crimes and currently working against the government. As a one man army you have to fight with rebellion insurgency in the world most dangerous area and stop commander because he might cause to be a great threat of peace in your country. Become a real hero by saving your country and be a reason for the world’s peace and happiness among the people. Game Play and Missions: Mission 1: Infiltrate The mission is to infiltrate and penetrate the base camp through the secret yet guarded path. Use of any kind of weapon other than a knife is not allowed. Alarming them can be dangerous. Mission 2: One Man Army The mission is to go further into the rebellion insurgency base camp and eliminate every guard on the way. You can use only knife to kill them. Mission 3: Sharp Shooter The mission is enter into the base camp as a sharp shooter by eliminating the four guards at the gate. Here darkness is our advantage and you have a pistol and a rifle to kill them. Mission 4: Base Operation Grab power to get more strength to kill enemies to enter into the main base camp of your country enemy. As a trained elite commando who has to use his superior guerrilla warfare techniques to kill every enemy which come in your way. Mission 5: Elimination Identify the location and eliminate the commander Rodriguez, who is leading the enemy base. Remember is very clever old man don’t underestimate his skills. Be always ready to attack. Enemy is alert, so be careful while walking forward for the death combat. You should be ready for the brave stand against Commander Rodriguez. Mission 6: Run & Escape It’s a do or die situation, use your commando skills to combat the armed men after kill and destroy the Commander Rodriguez. You have done well to eliminate the resistance of the enemy with strength. This is the battle of heroes and you have to escape the base camp as soon as possible. Best of luck you have finished the enemies for the honor and glory. Game Features: • Third person 3d shooting & killing game • Different obstacles placed there to maintain your safety • Realistic and modern game play • Much advance and larger environment to explore • Strategy making game • Ambush the enemy forces in different ways • Efficient weapon controls and movement • Realistic sound effects • Easy GUI and controls We are continuously update our games. Your suggestions & reviews would be great pleasure for us. Follow us at:

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