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A large park in the city center is about to be sold?! You cannot allow that to happen! Join the game and solve match 3 puzzles to save the park from destruction and fill it with lovely animals from across the globe. Return the park to its former glory! 5 reasons to fall in love with Park Town: - exciting match 3 levels with explosive bonus combos! - a vast park territory housing a tiny scorching Africa, frosty icebergs, and fun attractions! - cute animals, each with their own unique story! - a wide selection of decorations that allow you to spruce up the park according to your tastes! - many different ways of interacting with your friends: join an alliance or create your own! See? It's all very simple! Make the first call and summon your zoologist friend, Kevin, to the park gates and start restoring the park of your dreams together. Your friends can also help you with your mission—exchange lives and other useful bonuses with them. You will also find contests, competitions, and daily gifts in the game—basically everything your heart may desire for an unforgettable experience! Change the entourage according to your taste by using different kinds of decorations. Meet the city inhabitants, who are always ready to help you. Befriend animals, play, and have fun! We await you in the park of your dreams! Park Town is a free app, but it also contains extra features that can be purchased in exchange for money. You can disable the payments feature in your device settings. We hope that you will love Park Town just as much as we do. If you encounter any issues while playing, please contact support via

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  • exciting match 3 levels with explosive bonus combos!
  • a vast park territory housing a tiny scorching Africa, frosty icebergs, and fun attractions!
  • cute animals, each with their own unique story!
  • a wide selection of decorations that allow you to spruce up the park according to your tastes!
  • many different ways of interacting with your friends: join an alliance or create your own!

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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