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Prison Boss VR is a crafting and trading game using room-scale to turn your VR space into a jail cell! Craft cigarettes, alcohol and cookies for other inmates! Customize your cell as your reputation grows! Earn cash until you can’t store it anymore and become the Prison Boss! Craft items during the night ... When night falls, you’re free to craft anything you have the materials for. However, be sure to stay alert, as guards are patrolling and will put an end to your doings as soon as they spot your belongings. When the guards come, hide your things in your furniture to get through the night without losing the items you worked so hard for. ... Trade your items and take jobs during the day Take jobs to unlock new possibilities and grow your reputation. Trade stuff to earn money, so you can buy more materials for crafting. Find the balance between crafting for jobs and trading for money. Try to progress while earning enough cash to acquire new tools and improve your jail cell. Different jails to beat and an Arcade Mode for the real Prison Bosses To learn every crafting recipe, you’ll need to become the Prison Boss of all 4 jails and escape from them! If you want to test your skills, go into Arcade mode where every material is unlocked right from the start and fight the clock to craft the most items you can! • 11 Different Items Available For Crafting • 4 Prisons With Over 80 Jobs to Complete • Unlockable Arcade Mode • Play VR room-scale the way it was meant to be played • Great jazzy soundtrack!

Ekran rasmlari


  • Play VR room-scale the way it was meant to be played
  • 4 Prisons With Over 80 Jobs to Complete
  • Unlockable Arcade Mode
  • 11 Different Items Available For Crafting
  • Great jazzy soundtrack!

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Microsoft hisob qaydnomangizga kirganingizda bu ilovaga ega bo‘ling va uni o‘ntagacha Windows 10 tizimidagi qurilmada o‘rnating.

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