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CREATE YOUR ULTIMATE THEME PARK Welcome to Roller Coaster Life, where the excitement of building your dream theme park awaits! Become the ultimate theme park tycoon and craft an amusement wonderland that will delight visitors from every corner of the globe. Prepare for a journey filled with fun, strategy, and boundless creativity. ENJOY ANYWHERE, ANYTIME Experience the thrill of Roller Coaster Life: Theme Park without the need for an internet connection! Construct your perfect park from any location, whether you're at home or on the go. EXPAND YOUR PARK EMPIRE Starting with a vast, empty land and building it to a bustling paradise, the power is in your hands. Select from a variety of captivating themes like Spooky, Sci-Fi Galaxy, Wild West, and more. Design rollercoasters, pathways, cultivate greenery, and build themed zones that will enchant your guests. THRILLING COASTERS AWAIT! Choose from a diverse array of rollercoasters, ranging from heart-stopping adventures to gentle rides suitable for all ages. Rollercoasters are the stars of your park, enhancing nearby attractions and facilities for maximum enjoyment! We are curious what will be your favorite rollercoaster. DELIGHT YOUR GUESTS BY MANAGING THEIR NEEDS Ensure a memorable experience for your visitors by addressing their needs and desires. From hunger and thirst to excitement and queasiness, provide amenities like restaurants, beverage stands, and rest areas to keep everyone happy. MASTER PARK MANAGEMENT Effective management is the cornerstone of success in the theme park world. Maintain your rides, monitor popularity, and increase revenue to keep your park thriving. Don't forget to ensure your infrastructure is powered and your guests are content! CONQUER CHALLENGES Face a variety of challenges and milestones that will test your managerial prowess. Overcoming these hurdles unlocks special rewards, enriching your gameplay experience with new opportunities. JOIN EXCITING EVENTS Stay engaged with frequent updates and seasonal events, each introducing fresh themes, exclusive rides, and thrilling challenges. Keep your park ahead of the curve by participating in these dynamic activities. CONNECT WITH FRIENDS Add friends, explore their parks, and share ideas to elevate your own. Engage in friendly competition as you strive to create the ultimate theme park and climb the global leaderboards. CUSTOMIZE YOUR PARK Dive deep into customization options by upgrading rides, designing layouts, and adding decorative elements. Craft a theme park that reflects your unique style and vision down to the smallest detail. IMMERSIVE YOURSELF IN THE STORY Embark on captivating story chapters and challenge yourself to earn incredible rewards. Let the immersive simulation experience guide you on your journey to becoming a top-tier park manager! START YOUR ADVENTURE NOW Don't miss out on the excitement! Begin your Roller Coaster Life journey today and let the fun begin! Download Roller Coaster Life: Theme Park now and dive into the thrill of building your own theme park empire!

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⭐50 new XP levels added! You can now continue to level 175. 🎡10 new attractions, 12 facilities and 6 decorations!


  • Build a theme park
  • Unlock roller coasters
  • Manage rides
  • Decorate your park
  • Theme park simulation game
  • Customize your own park
  • Enjoy limited-time events
  • Play with friends
  • Manage guest expectations
  • Play offline

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Sparkling Society Games B.V.

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Sparkling Society B.V.

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Sparkling Society Games

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