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Dive into a Hidden Objects quest and unravel the enigma of the mysterious Time Machine! ....Rome is the heart of Italy, the Eternal City on seven hills, where time has stood still. You will plunge into its charming atmosphere together with the characters in this game... There are many myths and legends about a secret trove of artefacts in the library of the Vatican - the city-state in the very centre of Rome. One of these legends is the story of the Chronovisor - a mysterious device that "carries you back in time"… In this game you will go for a walk around Rome to search for the secret of the Chronovisor and save the heroes who have fallen into a trap. You will make unbelievable discoveries on your way: alien artefacts, mysterious Masonic symbols and secret Roman dodecahedrons. You can explore the labyrinthine alleys of the Trastevere district and admire the antiques in the Flea Market, visit the Catacombs and the Castle of the Holy Angel, the Roman Forum and Piazza Navona. And in the end the Vatican Museums will show you one of their secrets... Main game features: - Experience unusual 360-degree panoramas and 3D views! - Serial plot structure: a captivating story with unpredictable events. - Enchanting music will immerse you in the charming atmosphere of the game. - Most of the hidden objects are genuine vintage! - Vivid, memorable characters. - Build your collection of artifacts. Go through scenes again to try new quests and get new rewards! - Hint will support you and help to find any hidden object. - You can fully complete the game without spending a dime. With stunning graphics and immersive 360-degree scenery, this hidden object game will transport you to the heart of Rome, where you can lose yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of the city. You can collect bonuses for speed and compete with others, or take your time to enjoy the cool music and admire the visual effects. With no internet connection or downloads required, this expresses hidden objects game can be played offline. Trust us, you won't want to miss out on this exciting adventure through the Eternal City. So, pack your bags and join us on a journey of discovery and mystery through the streets of Rome. Download the game now and experience the thrill of hidden object games like never before!

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Our app has just been updated with some exciting new features and improvements. We've listened to your feedback and worked hard to make the app even better. Now is the perfect time to update your app and see what's new! Don't forget to rate and review our app in the store if you enjoy using it. Your feedback means the world to us and helps us continue to improve. Thank you for being a part of our community!


  • Amazing 360-degree levels
  • Unusual 3D visual effects
  • You can fully complete the game without spending a dime
  • Fantastic adventure in Rome
  • Serial plot structure

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Ishlab chiqaruvchi

CrispApp Studio

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2023 CrispApp Studio

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Crisp App Studio

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