

Inspired by the captivating traditions of Shogi, Dobutsu Shogi (Let's Catch The Lion) not only introduces players to the basics of strategic gameplay but does so in a manner that is easy to understand and full of fun. This game stands as a bridge, inviting all to step into the world of Shogi and discover its timeless beauty. Features that Make Dobutsu Shogi Your New Favorite Game: ◆ Simple to Learn, Fun to Master: Perfect for introducing the wonders of Shogi to the next generation. ◆ Save and Play: Jump back into your game anytime, anywhere. ◆ Levels of Engagement: From the curious newbie to the aspiring strategist, find your pace. ◆ Beat the Fun Clock: Enjoy lighthearted, timer-based challenges. ◆ Customize Your Journey: Choose from adorable animal pieces and colorful board designs. ◆ Sounds of Joy: Delightful sound effects that bring the animal kingdom to life on your board. ◆ A World of Play: Engage in a game that transcends language and age barriers. Step into a realm where strategy meets imagination, and where every move is an adventure. Dobutsu Shogi is not just a game—it's a heartwarming introduction to Japan's rich tradition of strategic board games, wrapped in a package that's as entertaining as it is educational. Prepare to be charmed by this miniature version of Shogi and let the animal battles begin. Your magical journey starts now!

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English (United States)

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Shogi ™ veb-sayti
Shogi ™ yordami

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